8 Questions You Need To Ask When Buying an Engagement Ring

Engagement ring in box

Just like buying a house or car, many people struggle to know what questions you need to ask when buying an engagement ring. As with any big investment, you might be worried about facing dishonesty.

But don’t fret; you’ve come to the right place if you’re looking for honesty and transparency (and who isn’t?). Here are 8 questions to take to your jeweller when you’re purchasing an engagement ring. 

Questions To Ask Your Jeweller When Buying an Engagement Ring

  • How much experience do you have?

Before you get into the nitty-gritty of the engagement ring, it’s important to assess whether you’ve found the right person for the job.

Creating custom engagement rings requires an exceptionally high level of skill and craftsmanship, so gaining some insight into the experience your jeweller has is a sure way to know if you’re in safe hands.

You can start a conversation with your jeweller about what they do and how many years of experience they have. You could even ask to see examples of their work if they have any to hand.

If your jeweller isn’t upfront about their background or doesn’t seem to have much experience, it might be worth exploring other options.

  • What can you do with my budget?

One of the most important questions to ask your jeweller when buying an engagement ring is if they can accommodate your budget. Often custom pieces come with a starting price, however, the cost itself can vary vastly depending on your preferences.
Being open about your budget from the very beginning can help you avoid wasting your time.

  • How long will the process take?

If you’ve made it as far as engagement ring shopping, we’re hoping you have a plan in place to propose. Or if you’re not sure exactly how you’ll pop the question, you should know roughly when at the very least.

Regardless of how organised you’ve been, it is always a good idea to ask how long the process will take.

Creating a custom engagement ring is certainly not an overnight job. From sourcing the materials to crafting the ring, the process can range from weeks to months. Even if you’re purchasing a pre-made ring, modifications may be required.

So, make sure to ask for an estimate of when the ring can be in your pocket to avoid getting down on one knee empty-handed

  • Can you explain the 4C’s?

Looking at a traditional diamond? You might already know that diamonds are graded in a specific way, but there are 4 ways that we can assess them, which come down to the 4C’s:

  • Cut

  • Colour

  • Clarity

  • Carat

Most people without a background in diamond grading might assume that the most expensive stone is the best option. However, an honest jeweller will make you aware that, sometimes, diamond prices do not reflect value for money, especially when it comes to your personal preferences.

Always ask your jeweller to explain the 4C’s of the stones you are looking at. Talk about your preferences, and think about your budget - don't get drawn into spending more money on something that you can't really see.

Some properties are impossible to discern with the naked eye. If you are told that the most expensive options are the only options, you might not be getting the value for money that you hoped for.

  • Will the ring suit my partner’s lifestyle?

An engagement ring is a big commitment (both financially and emotionally). And for a piece of jewellery that is going to be worn every day, it should be long-lasting and resistant to the wearer’s lifestyle.

Attending your appointment with a description of your partner’s lifestyle along with the right questions will shape your decision about certain aspects of the ring, such as the metal and setting.

For example, if your partner works in a role involving manual labour, you’ll need a pretty resistant metal. An expert jeweller will be able to guide you through the durability of the ring you desire, along with the pros and cons of each option.

  • Can the ring be modified in the future?

The next question to ask your jeweller when buying an engagement ring is about future modifications. 

Even if you have no plans to modify the ring, you never know what the future holds. Many people choose to modify their ring as their lifestyle changes. Typically we see people adding diamonds to the band, or swapping out diamonds for coloured stones.

When buying a bespoke engagement ring, your jeweller should be able to modify it in the future, depending on the design. But there are no questions that aren’t worth asking!

  • What ring size should I provide?

On the topic of ring modifications, if you’re planning to propose but don’t know their ring size, you might be wondering how you’re going to get the ring size right.

Unless your partner has a ring that fits them on their ring finger and you are able to do some spy work and "borrow" it, chances are that the ring you propose with isn’t going to fit. The ring size is going to be a guess, but resizing is a quick job that only takes about half an hour, so no need to stress!

Be sure to ask your jeweller about their resizing services. For example, at Simon Wright, if the ring doesn’t fit, we will resize it completely free of charge.

  •  Do you offer extra services?

Choosing a jeweller often isn’t a one-time affair. From future modifications to cleaning and maintenance, you might be visiting your jeweller multiple times for different services, provided they offer them.

To save you the extra hassle, be sure to ask your jeweller if they offer the following services:

  • Warranty

  • Insurance

  • Cleaning

  • Repairs

  • Resizing

  • Remodelling

Enquire About a Custom Engagement Ring in London

At Simon Wright, we understand that buying an engagement ring can be a daunting process. This is why we only offer complete honesty, transparency integrity to all of our clients.

With over twenty years of experience in the jewellery industry, we know a thing or two about creating beautiful, bespoke engagement rings. We pride ourselves on our eye for detail, hard work and love for craftsmanship.

Learn more about the process of creating your engagement ring.

And if you’re interested in enquiring, we’re ready to have a chat! Get in touch with us to find out what we can do for you.


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Simon Wright